What does zut alors

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Zut, alors. J'ai les mains glissantes. Oh nuts, my grip is slipping here. Zut, alors! On dirait que votre courriel ou votre mot de passe sont incorrects. Looks like either your email or password are incorrect. Zut, alors , je vois pas de quoi tu parles. Charlie: She's already here, isn't she? Did I miss yoga again? Oh, shoot! Ben zut, alors. Just think of that, yeah.

That's a beauty, Mr. I don't know how long I can hold her. Suggest an example. Zut alors, elle est sortie! Zut alors! She has emerged! The members look at it and say ' Holy smoke, they might have something here. Holy smoke, they might have something here. Zut alors, je dois y aller. Shoot, I got to go. On essaiera de faire mieux la prochaine fois.

Thank you all. I learn so much from you and your discussions with each other. As a teacher although we shouldn't even think cuss words we have to have something safe.

Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, Honfleur Member English, Canada. I'll just put my two cents worth in on "zut alors". I attended school in France and it was used as a polite expression of disappointment in any failed endeavour.

Mark Twain's characters use an equivalent "shucks", but caution, it is more of a rural expression, probably most frequent in the Mississippi area.

Garbonzia said:. Click to expand Can " zut alors " be translated with " blimey "? I don't know if blimey is old-fashioned, but no doubt zut alors isn't very used today! And it's only used in England.

But perhaps the real difference between "blimey! A working class person would say "blimey! I thought I was working class. Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, I love this funny thread. The French Zut alors! It sounds smart. The other French equivalents sound Forget it You must log in or register to reply here.


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