Shame, really, I truly love it. An interesting middle name perhaps? I adore all the variants of this name. I like Llewellyn, although I think it sounds a pretty feminine to the average American ear. Lewis seems like a more cowboy-ish choice because of the popularity of Lewis and Clark around here, where Louis has pronounciation issues.
Lewis is also primarity a surname to me. Of all the possibly relateds you posted, Llewellyn is easily my favorite of the bunch. I own several of their books but when I read them, my DH makes fun of me, I argue with the printed word!
Overall, Lewis is kind of cool though. I just prefer the lighthearted sound of Louis to the slightly ponderous Lewis. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Home About Contact Request a Name. Lewis Carroll; Photo credit: Wikipedia. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Print. Comments Katharine, thank you for the lesson in slang! Trackbacks […] Alexandre Louis Pierre — The name of the current reigning prince, known as Albert […]. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Tweets by appmtn.
Visit Appellation Mountain's profile on Pinterest. Learn more. What's the right way to pronounce "Louis"? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. Active 1 year, 6 months ago. Viewed 78k times. Improve this question. Sven Yargs k 30 30 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Adam Matan Adam Matan 4 4 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. Everyone gets to spell and pronounce their own name as they please - signed Robert pronounced sha-zam' — bib.
Normally the English Louis is pronounced the same as the French one, because there is also a name Lewis. American Louises may differ. What's the plural of Louis? The correct way to pronounce it is the way Louis pronounces it. Show 3 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. I have heard two pronunciations used for this name.
The first one is the traditional french pronunciation, while the second is of English origin. Improve this answer. Zibbobz Zibbobz 7, 3 3 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges. Of these, the second is quite rare, but there are non-French guys named Louis who pronounce their name with final stress.
When you say "the second is of English origin" are you referring to the English language, or to England? Add a comment. An Ngram chart for the years through shows that "King Lewis" blue line was the preferred spelling over "King Louis" until about Here is a typical instance of "King Lewis" from " The Life and Reign of King Henry the Second ," in Chronicle of the Kings of England: With Additions : With which words of King Lewis , the young King Henry was set a float, and from that time forward, stuck not openly to oppose his Father.
Sven Yargs Sven Yargs k 30 30 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. His name is Louis like Lewis and his nickname is Louie. Diana Diana 19 1 1 bronze badge. Do you have a source?