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Register Now. Login Now. Creating Wealth for Bharat since Because when it comes to managing your money the right advice can fulfill all your dreams. Email Addresss optional. I want to I'm searching for Your financial assessment done by our expert Connect Now. What all we can do for you Retirement Solutions. Financial Assessment. Tax Saving Solutions. Encouraging Scientific and Holistic Investing BajajCapital launches its software-based programme aimed at encouraging scientific and holistic investing.
Financial Planning and Need-based Investing The Company focuses on creating investor awareness for proper Financial Planning and need-based investing. Need-based Investment Solutions BajajCapital starts offering 'need-based' investment solutions to its clients, which today is popularly known as 'Financial Planning' in the investment world.
Incorporated as a Company BajajCapital is incorporated as a Company. Our Founder Established BajajCapital about 56 years ago and has vast experience in the field of financial services. Managing Directors. Sanjiv Bajaj Managing Director. Rajiv Bajaj Managing Director. Nurturing Exhibits traits to handhold new members in the team Recognizes and appreciates team members and co workers for their success stories Proactively follows up with reporting manager and support team for career aspirations and growth plan.
Responsibility Proactively fill up for my team members deliverables in their absence Take charge and follow up on my development and career path Always operate out of my circle of influence and do what i do best to deliver on what is expected from me.
Collaboration Communicate with each and every individual in the team and maintain professionalism Always coordinates with team members for timely completion of tasks Have fun and celebrate success together.
Your financial assessment done by our expert Connect Now. What all we can do for you Retirement Solutions. Financial Assessment. Tax Saving Solutions. Portfolio Review. Read More.
Your financial planning should reflect your needs. Sanjiv Bajaj Managing Director There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to managing your wealth. Raj Kumar Dhall Chief Business Officer - Branch Channel Our investment products will help you save tax and create wealth for future financial requirements, at the same time. We understand your financial needs are not the same as everyone else.