The results are complex. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in restaurants and bars in the Seattle area has grown from , to , since The story for employees is much more varied. The economists observed the impact of the hike in and found it had dramatic effects on the low-wage workforce and employment. Not all of them were good.
The data, researcher Mark C. But a year later, the team published another paper that complicated their findings. They looked at the same time period and same wage increase, but this time broke down the actual take-home pay of workers. They theorized that a slowdown in new hiring for low-wage jobs could explain their earlier findings that overall payroll had gone down.
Ultimately, workers already employed either saw their take-home pay go up or stay roughly the same while working fewer hours.
For employers that did not have any employees during the previous calendar year, the employer schedule will be calculated based upon the average number of employees employed per calendar week during the first 90 calendar days of the current year of business.
If an employer has both Seattle and out-of-state employees, does the employer need to count all employees to determine tier size? To determine schedule, should the employer consider each of these businesses as completely separate from one another, or do they count as one business? Separate entities that form an integrated enterprise are considered to be a single employer under the Ordinance.
To help decide this question, employers should assess the degree of control exercised by one entity over the operation of another entity. The factors in this assessment include, but are not limited to:. There will be a presumption that separate entities, which may share some degree of interrelated operations and common management with one another, will be considered separate employers as long as 1 the separate legal entities operate substantially in separate physical locations, and 2 each separate legal entity has partially different ultimate ownership.
Wages include salary, hourly pay, piece rate, commissions, and non-discretionary performance bonuses. Tips and employer payments toward a medical benefits plan are not considered wages.
What is included in the minimum compensation requirement for Schedule 2 employers? What are the minimum requirements for a qualifying medical benefits plan to be included in minimum compensation?
Are there instances where employers may be allowed to offer subminimum wages to employees? The FAS Director shall have the authority to issue a special certificate authorizing an employer to pay a wage less than the Seattle minimum wage but above the Washington State minimum wage.
Such special certificates shall only be available for the categories of workers defined in RCW The FAS Director will by rule establish the minimum wage for employees under the age of eighteen years, provided that any percentage of the hourly rate established by rule shall not be lower than the percentage applicable under state statutes and regulations.
Qualifying medical plan payments must be for the equivalent of a Silver plan or higher as defined in the federal Affordable Care Act. Schedule 1 employers that do not pay towards qualifying medical plan payments shall pay each employee an hourly minimum wage of at least:. What are the minimum wage and minimum compensation requirements for Schedule 2 employers? Hourly minimum compensation includes the hourly minimum wage plus tips and qualifying medical plan payments.
Effective January 1, , the hourly minimum wage paid by a Schedule 2 employer shall equal the hourly minimum wage applicable to Schedule 1 employers. Employers are required to provide employees with notice of 1 the entitlement to minimum wage and minimum compensation, 2 the prohibition against retaliation and 3 the ability to file a complaint if the minimum wage or minimum compensation is not paid or the employee is retaliated against.
Employers shall retain payroll records pertaining to covered employees for a period of three years documenting minimum wages and minimum compensation paid to each employee. Retaliation is illegal. Employers are prohibited from taking an adverse action or discriminating against employees who assert their rights to minimum wage and minimum compensation in good faith. What are the penalties for failure to pay minimum wage and minimum compensation? The Department of Finance and Administrative Services is responsible for administering and enforcing the Ordinance.
Thanks your content was amazing it was worth reading, i will subscribe my Gmail account to your site so that i can stick to your posts more often. Lack of protein hair loss is another important cause of the hair loss. It can be taken over by eating fish, meat, eggs, and animals.
As I may have said before, Minimum Wage is not meant to be a living wage. Minimum Age is for the inexperienced worker to learn how to work. A lot of businesses go by how much they made the week before which will determine how many hrs they can afford the next week which will screw the part time worker. What the workers don't realize, they may be working themselves our of a job. WillisDBaker Wrong.
Quote from the exact text of the FLSA of Congressional finding and declaration of policy a The Congress finds that the existence, in industries engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce, of labor conditions detrimental to the maintenance of the minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency, and general well-being of workers. That is the exact text from the introduction of the legislation from It has been amended and extended many times over the decades to prevent child labor abuses and maltreatment of employees by employers.
It goes into outlawing the employment of children in child labor situations, limitations on 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, overtime pay, etc. A minimum standard of living of a box under a bridge is not seen as acceptable minimums in the USA today and this is what many would aim for as 'acceptable standards' along with elimination of all labor protections against dangerous working conditions.
Such illegality as a food preparation corp that had illegal aliens, with no protection, using highly toxic chemicals to sterilize and clean out preparation vats for meat products.
They sent them in with nothing but rubber boots, gloves and dust particle masks to spray out the vats between uses and many had their lungs partially dissolved due to the chemicals, which they then fired to replace with other illegals. So this, and the old child labor practices, is your idea of what one should return to? Get stuffed.
WillisDBaker It's actually supposed to be a comfortable living wage. According to the president that introduced it to our country. Learn more. Hope you like being in the robot cadres because soon the robots will replace you and all the little stores will be gone.
It was also only a 1 bedroom, i cant imagine how much i needed to be making an hour for a 3 bedroom! This is why there's so many people with room mates, wages are so low that it takes a dual income just to survive. So let me get this strait Makes since, thanks mom for telling me college is the way to go DustynB - You are so absolutely correct in your statement but you may want to use the correct form and thus spelling of the word "straight" not "strait". BillFleming1 DustynB We will just say I was very "passionate" about this article and not entirely in a "right state of mind", hence my spelling errors DustynB BillFleming1 Yes a very passionate debate from both sides.
It is unfortunate that it seems the ignorant passion from the other side seems to be winning the issue. The human race is doomed to repeat it's historical mistakes. I remember this one parable taught in the bible. It was about a master needing workers to work his field. He posted went into the streets and recruited people to work his fields, to receive a penny. They accepted his deal and went in to work his field.
Every single one was given one penny. When the people who had worked the longer hours saw that those who had worked only one hour were given the same payment, they went to the master, complaining of how it was not fair. The master scolded them saying something along the lines of, "This is the deal we made, if those people who worked the fields for only one hour had not come along, you would've been perfectly happy with your penny.
Unjust as it may seem, it really doesn't affect you. The government wants employers to set a yearly wage increase and yet for us seniors they often withhold yearly social security pay increases, which is our own money and has made money over time. Hello Government, if you are going to mandate pay increases then live up to your own silly standards and pay us seniors what we are due. Quit giving our money away that you are suppose to be holding in trust.
In my opinion many of the government people should already be in jail for fraud and abuse of their positions. Where is it written that the government shall mandate what a private employer pays his employees? They are running business out of this country. I'm sorry you don't understand how Social Security works.
Its a scam. Its the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. By Paul Roberts. Odds are your garage is, too. These are the thousands of Washingtonians who just lost pandemic benefits More. Paul Roberts: proberts seattletimes. Evidence and Implications for Social Work. Legislative Testimony U. Our Research Questions. What is the impact of a higher minimum wage on workers, their families, employers, and the community? Does a higher minimum wage affect employment and earnings among low-wage workers? Does the higher minimum wage affect overall employment, business longevity, or the mix of firms that do business in Seattle?
How do businesses adapt to higher labor costs? How does the higher minimum wage affect consumer prices?