Why pimps have long nails

I bit my finger nails down so far that I almost lost them. I really got scared. So I stop biting them. But people don't care that I almost lost my fingernails. They only look at how long they're getting. So I don't get it. Nobody ever complained about my bitten down fingernails. Now they don't like my long fingernails. So if any guy wants to grow their nails go for it. I'm so proud I stop the nail biting habit. Wish me luck. Wiw there is some1else iut there who has noticed toenails grow slower when u grow the finger uns.

Pimp nail 4eva Sorry lol. Post a Comment. Look At This Nigger. Blogs That Speak To Me. Behaving Ms. I Am Not Happy! Holla if ya hear me! View my complete profile. What you know about the pimp nail? Let me tell yall a little story. When I was younger, much younger, my mom would cut my nails; toes and fingers. I use to fight against it all the time.

Anyway, to stop my mom from doing the deed for me, I developed the bad habit of biting my nails both my fingers and toes. As I grew less flexible I neglected my toe nails all together and just concentrated on biting my finger nails. After all, the toe nails could be hidden by shoes and socks. Of course, since I was not biting or cutting my toe nails they grew extra long. I am talking about to the point that my big toe would cut a hole through both my socks and my shoes. I had the holiest foot wear in town.

But I had a fuck the popular people mentality back then. Still do, actually. When I was in my early twenties, right at twenty actually, I decided to stop biting my nails.

I just wanted to see if I could do it. Thus grew the pimp nail, which most people including myself associate with drug dealers.

And while most people in the administrative and academic fields of work don't seem to practice this on a large scale any more, the trend seems to persist with blue collar workers who still abide by this tradition. Well, be it the desire to project high status, the desire to itch your ear in the most satisfying way possible, or a possible coke habit, I suppose all we have to say is - to each his own. And we decided to explore some theories as to what exactly motivates this peculiar bias for the little finger's nail.

Source: Lipstick Alley One of the more bizarre theories is the nail serves as an organic tool to scoop up and snort cocaine with. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. For decades I've wondered, and assuming the answer would be highly personal, have failed to ask: what's the deal with the extra-long pinkie fingernail on people from the Orient Middle East, India, Southeast Asia?

Well, not all. I have a buddy with a long pinkie nail and a high embarrassment threshold, so I called up and asked. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from.

By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. A more specialised function is connected with the drug trade, the long nail acting as a convenient, natural coke spoon for snorting the white powder up the nose.

Leslie Stern also writes about it on page 60 of "The Scorsese Connection" from when describing the movie scene with Iris:. We see him put on the record, his greasy hair, gaudy jewellery and garish coke fingernail, and we hear his guileful murmuring of love. Sport has a long pink fingernail on his right hand's little finger because he is an experienced coke hound as Kiedis would say. Sign up to join this community.

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