Eq 2 can you betray twice

It is possible to keep a house in an opposite aligned city. Betraying does not make your house inaccessible, as you still own it until you decide to relinquish it. However, with guild hall amenities such as the Portal to Member Housing and the new globalized travel network getting to and from is very doable, especially at higher levels. Retaining housing of the opposite alignment is extremely easy in New Halas or Gorowyn, as the guards are not aggro will not attack the opposite alignment.

If you have any Prestige Housing e. Everfrost Summer Home , it will not transfer to your new city. Should you need to get more portals:. In each of the aligned cities of Norrath , disaffected individuals can be found. These traitors will, with a little encouragement, involve you in their little domestic terrorist agendas. This will eventually bring you into conflict with the local authorities, resulting in your expulsion from the city.

Note that you must speak with the ambassador in your city about a change of citizenship BEFORE you can obtain these quests. If the thugs kill you, pull them towards one of the roaming guards who will kill them for you. Magister De'Pater in the Spires of Innoruuk. Citizens of Gorowyn don't actually need to do a quest line to exile.

Instead they offer a simple quest to see 'a disreputable boatman' at the docks and he will whisk you away to Haven upon completion. Beware that Ambassador Zelzekla offers both the betrayal and change of citizenship lineup of quests so be sure to answer correctly When you hail her. For betrayal, on the second question you need to chose: " Actually, I was thinking of changing citizenship to Speak with Ambassador Brynhilde Maersdottr at This section applies to people who have betrayed their city and become an Exile.

So you betrayed your city, got kicked out and sent to Haven. You may choose to remain as an exile, and unwelcome in ANY of the aligned cities, or you can choose a city and work to gain faction until they will accept your application for Citizenship. You can even go back to the city you betrayed - but you'll have to earn just as much faction regardless!

You must raise your faction with the City of Qeynos to the point 10,Amiable where the city guards will not kill you on sight. Do this by performing the quests in the Qeynos Faction Timeline. At this point, the Qeynos guards are no longer hostile to you though you are not a citizen yet. He presented me with several options for response, all of which told me to go to the Temple of Life. However, once I finished the conversation line, the Becoming a Citizen of Qeynos quest completed and it sent me along to The Fulfillment of Dreams quest.

You must raise your faction with the City of Freeport to the point 10,Amiable where the city guards will not kill you on sight. Do this by performing the quests in the Freeport Faction Timeline.

At this point, the Freeport guards are no longer hostile to you though you are not a citizen yet. Once you have completed the Betrayal quests and have been sent to Haven , go to Greater Faydark and speak to Gibrien Marsden near the Kelethin stables.

You will do Gibrien's quests numerous times to build up faction. Once you have enough faction, you'll receive the Citizenship quest. Once you raise your faction with Kelethin to the point 10,Amiable , you can do the final quest:. Phaerdriira gives you several quests one after another, and Drizas will give you a choice between six repeatable faction quests that can only be taken one at a time.

The requirements for these repeatable quests are random for each repetition. These quests all scale to match your current level. I suppose in theory you can, but I think few people are going to have the patience to repeat the process more than once.

Being a quest-tart, I am considering betraying to FP so I can do the or so noob quests over there and then betraying back to QN. I'd only do it after the next expansion came out, and betray back as quickly as I could, as I'd be getting new spells anyway eventually. And while I'd lose all my masters, I could adept 3 everything again especially since I have a stack of acrylia now LOL. Madness I know, but it would be fun to see what Haven is like and be a necro for a while, but go back to being a conj, cos honestly they are far cooler.

I fbetrayal is a non repeatable quest then technically you cna only betray twice once for each faction. Then again i don't recall wether betrayal is repeatable or not. I'd have to agree with the patience angle as well. Most people will betray early then hit the road to OToH, people don't need to camp spawns in EQ2 :smileyindifferent: but they do.

Go figure. I'm sure if the quest becomes repeatable somone will do so ad nauseum. EQ2 is an entertainment venue. The only measure of success here is fun. And don't forget the books and furniture! I'm thinking of doing the same thing if I can come up with a good way to roleplay it - there's no way my character would actually betray Qeynos, but I want the furniture, and the Dame title.

No-trade furniture makes zero sense, RP-wise, and Madam? I don't think so. Does anyone know roughly how long the new quest takes, and has it been confirmed that we can do it multiple times? I really don't want to be stuck in Freeport. The orcs have lied to her and now I must warn her husband of the planned attack, but first I must buy her people some time. I will slay the advisor Kre'lak; this should slow them down and give me enough time to warn Ariana's husband Orwen in the Commonlands.

Stage 1 The first thing I need to do is buy some time by killing advisor Kre'lak. Then I will have enough time to warn Ariana's husband and the nomad camp. Start: Kill advisor Kre'lak. Complete: I have killed Kre'lak. Stage 2 I need to warn Ariana's husband Orwen in the Commonlands of the impending attack by the orcs. Start: Warn Orwen Neovra. Complete: I have warned Orwen.


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