Can you drink mcdonalds milkshakes when pregnant

I assumed it did because it's the same kind of machines. I let three buy one get one free yogurtland vouchers go to waste!!! Also because I usually get all the cookie dough pieces on top. Log in or sign up to post a comment! Recent posts in September Worried - baby's head went under the water! Colic : : : by Squid Sydney mums, playgroup near lidcombe? Browse more posts. Ask a question or share your story Start a post.

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Join this group. Group owners. Although I always had mcflurys in my last pregnancy. It's because there might be bacteria and you could get sick Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. Early pregnancy signs and symptoms cyclizine during pregnancy. Early pregnancy signs and symptoms Orgasms during pregnancy Early pregnancy signs and symptoms Anyone get hives during pregnancy? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms can you eat peperami during pregnancy?

I use the nesquik mix, its full of sugar but I can't drink plain milk, makes me sick. And does this mean you can't have mcflurrys then? I'm 33 weeks pregnant and have had milkshakes and mcflurrys.

I must admit I had the occasional mcfluffy and milkshake even though I knew I shouldn't [emoji85]. Pet hair remover that's highly effective and purse-friendly! Pet Hair Roller Buy now. I was told that you can have it unless it's the first one in a while served due to the tubes etc and the bacteria in it. I was told this is a no no but still have mcflurrys and milkshakes every now and then. All this can and can't stuff is rubbish, women have been having babies for century's! Once in a while really won't do you or baby any harm.

Her initial comment could definitely be read two ways, and a lot of women read it the way I did initially. My comment was not meant to be rude but matter-of-fact, like I assume hers was. I don't think they were saying we can't splurge but just that the risk of listeria is so low compared to anything else that the original concern shouldn't be a worry.

I get what you are saying about definite risk factor especially if one has GD or is very overweight with health risks vs a scary hypothetical like listeria.

Well maybe one would be ok. But the issue is that fat and sugar are present in milkshake as a matter of fact while there is only a remote risk that listeria will be present in milkshake. Because one milkshake during pregnancy will totally damage my baby. Although it sounds so good right about now. You could always make your own! We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly.

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